Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Oklahoman has decided we aren't a Republic for the day.

May 7 Editorial

In Thursday's editorial: "Hay makers: More posturing by Congress over tribes" the authors quickly leave behind Wednesday's "...We’re not defending (Republicans)" fairy-tale, and take a more open and honest approach, which I appreciate and am sure others will on both sides.

The piece is reminicent of their 1-21-03 piece that tore apart Iraq War Protesters. A claim is made in today's editorial that Barney Frank "..never met a grandstanding opportunity he didn’t like", compare that to the anti-protesters-we-don't-like piece where they write about "..Misinformed and misguided" individuals taking place in an event that appeared "... in large part to be a reunion of interests that live for protesting — something, anything."
The article goes on to state that "..the tribe’s members, not the tribal government — voted to remove the descendants, called freedmen." and continue, knocking a California Congresswoman who "...wants to see federal funds withheld from the Cherokees if freedmen aren’t placed back on the rolls."

This is an interesting flip on The Oklahoman's philosophy of frequently running letters to the editor and op-ed pieces that solely discuss the topic of how our country is "A Republic, not a Democracy!" It no doubt brings up the obvious question: Why the sudden interest in Democracy?

Also, The Oklahoman forgets the lessons learned in Bible Club on hypocrisy when they write "...six members of (Boren's -D) party, who have written the Justice Department seeking an investigation...(although) the case is now in federal court, not that Frank or the others care about that." and go on to get an opinion from Cherokee spokesman Mike Miller on the matter without talking to the other side. It would serve the reader well to look up similar cases where issues are in the courts, and Reps act similarly, i.e Terri Schiavo, the Elian Gonzales situation, the innumerable issues regarding The war in Iraq, and see what the editorial staff has to say on those matters. My guess is that the "good guys!" won't be referred to as blowhards.

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